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Boards >> Suggestions >> Ban the mc botter

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Ban the mc botter
by Fat Boy
Fat Boy

Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 224
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 26
Ban the mc botter
Relic,Dread Elder,Master Slayer,Shotta ,Mystikal

all the same guy that bots his chars

how is it fair that the rest of us sit at the computer put work into our chars and he just goes afk and levels?

do someting..
27.09.15 13:15:22
Edited by Fat Boy
on 27.09.15 13:22:24

Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 341

Posts: 1
Hey "Fat Boy" firstly, stop crying.

Secondly, get your facts straight before you throw around this slander. I had a lengthy conversation with your, equally whinny guild leader (Skittles) yesterday to which he ended up apologizing to me. The GM can check IP's if he so wishes, however, Mystikal (my character) is not created, leveled or owned by the same person of the other aforementioned characters. I suggest you pull up your big boy pants and stop crying because this is basically a solo game due to the fact that there are rarely more than 5 people on at any given time. Your guild seems to be filled with a fare number of immature children whining about the gains of others on an OT. Let me put this into perspective, this server could end tomorrow and then what? You simply try and find another OT server to go cry about all of the potential botters?

Thirdly, how about you contribute to potential ways of bringing more players to the server? Constructive suggestions leading to a larger, overall better community so you don't have to complain about everyone not in your guild.

Lastly, Never Give Up needs to get off of their high horses, numerous of your members have conceded to using autolooters/healers etc. As quoted from a true philosopher, Ludacris, I leave you with this, "Nobody thinkin' bout you; plus your beef ain't legit. So please stay off the T-I-P of my d*ck"
27.09.15 16:59:38
Edited by Mystikal
on 27.09.15 17:10:03

Profession: Knight
Level: 71157

Posts: 169
The characters "Relic", "Dread Elder", "Master Slayer", and "Shotta" have been deleted after I found undeniable evidence they were MC botting.

As I have been asked in the past, I turn a blind eye to using 3rd party tools and modest botting but AFK cavebotting multiple characters at the same time has never been acceptable here. If he would like to create a new character here, he may do so, but it must be known this behavior is not acceptable. I would've done this sooner but have been busy of late.

"Mystikal" is a different player entirely and there is no evidence he has botted, MC or otherwise.
28.09.15 17:15:38
Edited by Zeal
on 28.09.15 17:15:45
Fat Boy

Profession: Royal Paladin
Level: 224
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 26

Justice Prevails! Goodjob
28.09.15 19:26:33

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