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Boards >> Suggestions >> Improve Boneka

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Improve Boneka
by Destruction

Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 1550

Posts: 90
Improve Boneka
I feel like I'm being trolled every time I kill Boneka, I've managed to bash her head in 5-6 times since starting Zeal and I'm greatly disappointed in her.

My suggestion is that you increase the items on her drop table.. Add items like Golden Legs, Royal Helmet ect, items that can be sold to recoup the supply cost.
I honestly get better loot from Bulma Bonecrusher, who is considerable easier to kill and also a lot easier to reach.

Lastly, I've heard about Boneka having nice items but 9 times out of 10 she literally has the same loot as a Valkyrie or Behemoth and is a major killjoy.

Thank you for reading.

11:15 Loot of Boneka: 34 gold coins, 100 gold coins, 5 platinum coins, a girlish hair decoration, a dark armor, a double axe, meat, 2 small amethysts, a two handed sword, a giant sword, a great health potion, a crystal necklace
11.01.17 22:44:57
Edited by Destruction
on 12.01.17 21:17:00

Profession: Knight
Level: 71157

Posts: 169
She does have some uncommon items on her loot table that are quite notable. Having said that, I like your idea of adding a few more items.
13.01.17 09:31:11

Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 1550

Posts: 90
Have you improved the loot?

This is the best so far...
22:24 Loot of Boneka: 32 gold coins, 100 gold coins, 2 platinum coins, 96 assassin stars, a girlish hair decoration, a dark armor, a double axe, a golden armor, meat, 5 small amethysts, a giant sword, a berserker, a titan axe, a battle stone
17.01.17 08:26:08

Profession: Knight
Level: 71157

Posts: 169
Yes, I had. That seems like a low-end drop from her still. But, I did improve her drops significantly.
17.01.17 08:52:52

Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 455
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 51
I looted Lavos Armor and Reaper's Axe from Boneka long time ago, so I guess that you're just unlucky.
19.01.17 05:56:25

Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 1550

Posts: 90
True, I've been rather unlucky but those two items aren't that hard to come by elsewhere.
I know Furies drop Lavos Armor and I've also got a Reaper's Axe but I don't remember where I got it from.
I wasn't complaining about what she dropped, mostly about how rarely she drops them.
I've killed here possibly 8+ times now and my best loot was only achieved when changes were made and even then it's apparently under average.
Thanks for the info regarding those two items though.
19.01.17 10:06:30
Edited by Destruction
on 28.01.17 11:19:02

Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 455
One of Never Give Up

Posts: 51
I'm not sure, but I think I also looted The Stomper from Boneka.
20.01.17 07:06:37

Profession: Master Sorcerer
Level: 1550

Posts: 90
Where did you get the winged helmet from by the way?
28.01.17 10:28:14

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